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Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE
Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE
Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE
Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE
Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE
Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE

Carolina Conch Peas/CROP FAILURE

Regular price $8.00
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Unfortunately we experienced a total crop failure on conch peas this year- we hope to have them back next fall.


The Carolina Conch Pea is known for its wholesome, pleasant flavor and its ease of cooking. It is prized as an extremely delicate pea with a creamy texture. This pea is also known for having one of the most refined tastes when compared to other peas. First offered in 1907, Marsh Hen Mill has brought it back to your kitchen table once again.


creamy white

Weight & Dimensions

1.5 lbs • 10.5 x 5.25 x 3 in 

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